Days spent with my K girl are the most sunshiny and exhausting of them all! She is a precious little thing, but man does she have energy! And her little brother L man is just as fun! I was privileged to spend the weekend with K and her family this past weekend. We went to the fair Friday, the park and slip-n-slide Saturday, and rode bikes, played superheroes, built train tracks, and jumped on the trampoline Sunday. Basically it was go, go, go! Regardless it was tons of fun! Krista and I even snuck in brunch on Sunday without the kids. Again I say, it was a fantastic weekend!
Tennessee Valley State Fair
Trampoline time!
Caught a butterfly at the park
Rode bikes in the grass
K is just learning to ride a two-wheeler!
Superheroes to the rescue!
Gorgeous sunset after such a fun weekend!
Oh my word! That picture of little man on the trampoline is the cutest ever! What a fun trip!!