Friday, December 13, 2013

Tri Harder

This last weekend was one of the most stressful and exhausting of my entire PT school career. Not only was I in the middle of finals and needed to be studying, but I signed up to do an Olympic distance triathlon in Palm Springs. Who in their right mind thinks it’s a good idea to kill themselves right before finals is beyond me! Obviously I was delirious when I made the decision.

Let me paint you the picture, Saturday I spent the day freezing and cheering for 2 of my friends who did the half iron man distance. Yes, you would think this would make me excited for my own race the following day, but sadly you would be mistaken! Kelsey came out of the water completely frozen! We had to change her it was so bad! Then while waiting for them to lap on the bike, the wind picked up like crazy! No way would I want to be anywhere near a bike during such wind, yet Kelsey and Jordan were both stuck in it riding back to the transition area. Jordan had a flat during the bike portion and had to wait 2 hours on the trail for a new tire, which was ridiculous. And once Kelsey got back from the bike she was so cold and had swallowed so much lake water that she didn’t do the run. So after all this and having to stand in the cold for 5 hours I was dreading when it was going to be my turn.

Sunday dawned, well we dawned several hours before the sun did, around 4am and we got packed up to head down to the tri. Forty-five minutes later we were unloading the bikes and heading to get our transitions set up in the cold! Let’s suffice it to say, the swim was freezing but my time was decent. The bike, since I hadn’t ridden more than 5 miles in over 3 months, was excruciating and I never wanna ride again. And the run was terrible! My cuboid has been acting up and had even gotten out of place the week before and boy oh boy did it hurt! Again, I did it, but I hated every second of it! Yes I’m a finisher, yes I can say I did it, but I can also say that the word triathlon has exited my vocabulary for the foreseeable future!

At least I had some amazing friends to suffer with me and keep cheering me on even though I just wanted to go home!
Kelsey's early start
 Kels did 56 miles on the bike, BEAST!
Sunday start, I'm in there somewhere....
Twyla, Melissa, Cassi, and Casey ready to hit that water
 Made it through one loop of the swim
 And DONE!
 Our lovely leg tattoos

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